"Herman Moody, Las Vegas' first black career police officer, was raised in this house at 321 Van Buren Avenue, built by his parents who came here in 1939.
As first African-American in Las Vegas to make a career of police work, he helped improve the performance of the Las Vegas Police Department. Moody joined the force in 1946 as a decorated U. S. Navy war veteran. There was no police academy, so he taught himself how to file reports that would stand up in court. He acquired books on Nevada law and showed others how to use them and improve their record of making good arrests. He raised the standards for all Las Vegas police officers.
Moody believed in the Westside and raised his family here, but he felt the Westside had an undeserved reputation. Moody insisted that most residents wanted and appreciated good police protection, and for thirty-one years, he gave it to them. In 2002, the city recognized Moody for his distinguished service. Moody will always be highly regarded in the community as a beacon of light and a role model for young people of any color."
(Las Vegas Pioneer Trail Marker 11)
Located in Historic West Las Vegas.
Located at 321 West Van Buren Avenue, Las Vegas, Nevada.