
Main Street Station Hotel and Casino and Brewery

Main Street Station Hotel and Casino and Brewery

Park Hotel and Casino

Park Hotel and Casino

Holiday International

Holiday International Casino

Holiday International opened on July 1, 1978.

The casino closed in 1980.

The hotel closed in 1984.

The property reopened and was renamed Park Hotel and Casino on September 1, 1987.

Park Hotel and Casino closed in 1990.

The property reopened and was renamed Main Street Station on August 30, 1991.

Main Street Station closed in 1992.

Main Street Station reopened in 1996.

Main Street Station closed on March 18, 2020 (Due to COVID-19).

Main Street Station reopened on September 8, 2021.

The land previously occupied: Down Town Camp, Hotel Las Vegas.

Located at 200 North Main Street, Las Vegas, Nevada.